
Find a more detailed description about setting up a bot on Discords with Vote Manager

This continues from the tutorial on the previous page (here)

To continue your setup, please go to the link shown as step one. It should look like this: https://discords.com/bots/bot/[your-bots-id]/edit

E.G. https://discords.com/bots/bot/959699003010871307/edit

The images are wrong because mezba won't give me access to take screenshots

You should be taken to a page that looks like the above image. Please enter the URL provided in step two into the field labelled Webhook URL, under Developer Values. The URL should follow the format https://webhooks.votemanager.xyz/request/discords/[your-bots-id]/

E.G. https://webhooks.votemanager.xyz/request/discords/959699003010871307/

Next, paste the passphrase provided into the field labelled Webhook Secret. Finally, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Apply Changes

If you forget or lose your passphrase, you can run the /setup passphrase bot command

Your vote tracker is now fully setup! A message will be sent with your configured embed to the channel you configured whenever a user upvotes your bot

Last updated